From a throwback to pioneer days to the grand opening of the newest MAX line, the newest in tech and innovation to rich multicultural traditions, this weekend’s events span both history and geography!
Sept 12
Family Day and Pioneer Village
Experience a part of history in the reproduction Oregon Trail wagon at the Washington County Museum, watch hands-on pioneer craftsmanship demos, build log cabins, play games, and more! Free, washingtoncountymuseum.org
Sept 12
Belmont Street Fair
Obviously you’re not street fair-ed out yet! Check out the Belmont Fire House, get a free trolley ride, shop and eat, take in live music with Olive and Dingo. Free, belmontdistrict.org
Sept 12
Beaverton Night Market
Come experience the diversity that surrounds the Portland metro area! This vibrant cultural event features crafts, food, performances, and demonstrations from countries all over the world. Free, beavertonoregon.gov/NightMarket
Sept 12
MAX Orange Line Grand Opening Celebration
It’s here! The long-awaited new MAX line launches with family-friendly events at each station, a scavenger hunt along the rail line, and a chance to walk/bike across brand-new Tilikum Crossing. All Trimet rides are free that day! Free, catchtheorange.com
Sept 12-13
Mini Maker Faire
OMSI’s annual family-friendly showcase of creativity, science, innovation, and amazement. Meet makers from near and far and learn about their craft and genius! $10-15, omsi.edu/maker-faire-pdx