It’s the beginning of October and that means free entrance into the Portland Children’s Museum, the big reveal at St. John’s Swap & Play, the Blue Man Group’s Making Waves coming to Portland, the new Pan movie’s release party, Pearson Field Education Center’s Saturday Program, and Phoebe Wahl’s reading of her new book: Sonya’s chickens. So get out this weekend and experience some of Portland’s fun family-friendly activities.
Friday, Oct 2
First Free Friday at Portland Children’s Museum
Head over to the Portland Children’s Museum to learn and play for free! Their exhibits include Building Bridgetown, Clay Studio, Garage, Grasshopper Grocery & Butterfly Bistro, Outdoor Adventure, Pet Hospital, Play It Again Theater, Twilight Trail, Treehouse Adventure, Vroom Room, Water Works, and a Zany Maze. Check it out at: http://www.portlandcm.org/events/target-presents-free-first-friday
Saturday, Oct 3
Swap & Play Big Reveal Open House
From 10:00a – 3:00p, come in to be one of the first to see Swap & Play’s newly redesigned playspace! This event is free, but does have a $2 donation request per family. Check it out at: http://www.stjohnsswapnplay.com/
Blue Man Group – Making Waves
Blue Man Group – Making Waves is a national touring exhibit designed to bring together science and art – will take the whole family through a multi sensory exploration of sound that provides an opportunity to play together while discovering the fun of music. Tickets are $10.75. Check it out at: http://www.portlandcm.org/exhibits/blue-man-group-making-waves
Saturday Program at Pearson Field Education Center
Come down to historic Pearson Field every Saturday from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. to experience the Fort Vancouver National Trust’s Pearson Field Education Center. This free educational experience is open to the public and will feature our Flight Simulator lab, vertical wind tunnel, a glider-building station, model glider build sessions, historic airplanes on-site for viewing, collections on display, and various ongoing educational programs that will propel students of all ages into the wonderful world of flight. Check it out at: http://fortvan.org/Education/upcoming-programs.html
Sunday, Oct 4
Phoebe Wahl at Green Bean Books
Join for a reading and meet the author event thank to Phoebe Wahl’s gorgeous new picture book, Sonya’s Chickens. In the book, Sonya discovers some important truths about the interconnectedness of nature and the true joys and sorrows of caring for another creature. Book themes focus on comfort, nostalgia and intimacy with nature. Check it out at: www.greenbeanbookspdx.com.
PAN Movie Release Party at The Craft Factory
Join The Craft Factory in celebrating a new live-action interpretation of J.M. Barrie’s beloved children’s classic, Peter Pan. Create your very own pirate ship or other themed craft, enjoy some sweet treats, and head home with a PAN necklace and maybe even tickets to see the movie on the big screen! Check it out at: http://craftfactorypdx.com/events-2/october-events/