Now that April’s through, we’re ready for the May flowers, aren’t you? Welcome the new month with these exciting happenings.
Now thru May 3
Canstruction® 2015
An event to delight artists, engineers, and other creative minds alike! Come check out these structures made completely of canned food and support hunger awareness. Free, canstruction.org
Now thru May 25
Northwest Children’s Theater presents The Little Mermaid
The last show of the 2014-2015 season! See this classic tale in a different light with circus and vaudeville influences, featuring A-WOL Dance Collective. $17-23, nwcts.org
May 2-3
Faire in the Grove
Calling all Renaissance enthusiasts! Spend a day transported back in time to the Middle Ages and watch live armored combat, visit merchants, taste medieval cooking, and enjoy singing, dancing, and more. Free, faireinthegrove.com
May 2
Independent Bookstore Day & Kickoff of Children’s Book Week
Green Bean Books hosts Ripple Grove Press for this literary event! Kiddos can learn about the publishing process, enjoy a reading of Too Many Tables, and learn to make their own table. Free, ripplegrovepress.com
May 2
The Great Glasses Play Day
A day for support, education, awareness, and celebration of the advances in eyewear and vision treatment for children. Come out and play – and wear your glasses! Free, greatglassesplayday.com
May 3
Abacadabra! A Magical Evening of Wonder and Delight
A fundraiser and magical gala event, all in one. Live magic and entertainment, raffles and silent auction, and buffet dinner. $75/person, jewishvancouverusa.org/community/annual-gala/