You’ve made it this far in the week… don’t stop now! Here’s some more fun to be had, including a night under the stars, or under some – gasp – sharks!
Now thru Mar 29
Oaks Park Spring Break Ride Special
Make the most of spring break with a BOGO ride bracelet! $13-26, oakspark.com
Mar 27
Sleep with the Sharks at Oregon Coast Aquarium
Have a family sleepover complete with a full dinner, scavenger hunt and activities all over the aquarium, and breakfast in the morning. $55-60, aquarium.org
Mar 28
OMSI Star Party: Vernal Equinox Celebration
Head to L.L. Stub Stewart or Rooster Rock State Parks to welcome spring by viewing stars and planets with telescopes. $5/vehicle, omsi.edu/node/14197
Opens Mar 28
Oregon Children’s Theatre presents School House Rock Live!
Based on the ‘70s Saturday morning classic, this educational musical has something for everyone in the family! $15-28, octc.org
Mar 29
UpLife Community Arts Center Grand Opening
Celebrate the opening of this brand new non-profit community arts space for all ages and abilities to create in an open studio. Cake, mimosas, and a sewing project. Free, uplifepdx.org