This Father’s Day weekend, take him shopping at a store just for him (and babies), cycling through the city, or downtown for some downward-facing dog. Or all of the above!
Now thru Jun 21
Seahorses Grand Opening
Celebrate the grand opening of Portland’s first dad and baby store with raffles, performances by local bands, book signings, and goodie bags for the first customers each day! Opens at 10am. Free, facebook.com/seahorsespdx
Now thru Jun 21
Portland Piano International Summer Festival
Introduce the little ones to the artistry and variety of classical music. PPI is providing special pricing for recitals to enable more families to attend: $5 for each child under 18 with the purchase of a $20 adult ticket. Call 503-228-1388 for tickets (not available online), portlandpiano.org
Jun 20
4th Annual Elks Children’s Eye Clinic Summerfest
Head down to Oaks Park for a free vision screening for your kiddo(s) – they’ll get a ride wristband with a screening! Stay for carnival games, face painting, balloons, and more. Be one of the first 250 participants and get a free hot dog, too! Free, ohsu.edu
Jun 21
Sunday Parkways – North Portland
Hope Dad likes biking, because this year’s North Portland family biking event falls on Father’s Day. Jaunt through the ever-changing “5th Quadrant,” making pit stops at local parks along the way for live music, activities, and free bike repair. Free, portlandsundayparkways.com
Jun 21
International Yoga Day
Whether you’re a total novice or an experienced yogi, head down to Pioneer Square for a day of peace, community, and meditation. Kids can learn yoga poses to “stretch like animals” and take part in arts and crafts and face painting fun. Classes are free, registration required at internationalyogadayportland.com