It’s shaping up to be an absolutely gorgeous and fun-filled weekend! June is Great Outdoors Month, so literally all you have to do is step outside your house to be a part of it. We’d recommend taking it a bit further and checking out some of our list:
Opens June 12
just play
Echo Theater Company presents this bright, active performance, incorporating dance, acrobatics, and physical theater to celebrate freedom and friendship. A delight for all ages! $18-25, echotheaterpdx.org
June 13
A community event supporting active kids, with a Women’s World Cup theme. Earn passport stamps by participating in each country’s soccer station, enter to win raffle prizes, and learn about all the different ways to be happy and healthy! Fundraising supports AC Portland. Free, facebook.com/events/1598894593682698
June 13
Portland Scandinavian Midsummer Festival
In its 87th (!!) year, this tradition has been around the block. Learn about Nordic culture by tasting the food, having yummy drinks, enjoying dancing and music, making crafts with the kiddos, and raising the Maypole. $6-15, kids 12 and under free, scanheritage.org
June 13
National Get Outdoors Day at Fort Vancouver
It’s actually a 3-in-1, celebrating National Get Outdoors Day, NW National Park Family Day, and the Fort Vancouver Brigade Encampment all in one huge event. Historical re-enactments, crafts, and activities give kids a taste of the past, and recreation like Frisbee golf and archery get them moving. Free, nationalgetoutdoorsday.org
June 13-14
Portland Pride Festival
The city is sure to be full of rainbows, love, and fun with Pride in town. The festival features a live soundstage, community organization booths, and food and drink, all along the riverfront. Don’t miss the Pride Parade on Sunday the 14th! $7 suggested donation, pridenw.org