One last holiday to go before it’s back to business as usual – in 2016! Whether you want to party hard or take it easy, we’ve got the goods for you. Celebrate the closing of the year with some family-friendly bashes, then spend the first days of a brand new year basking in the sun. That’s right – the rainy days have gone (for now)!
Dec 31
New Year’s at Noon
Ring in the new year without staying up late – it’s a win-win! DJ Greasy Kid Stuff provides the tunes for dance party action and new year’s countdowns every half hour. Come on out and celebrate! $10.75, free for members, portlandcm.org
Dec 31
NYE Family Skate Party
Don’t mind lasting past midnight? Strap on your skates and party til 1am at Oaks Park, where a live DJ hosts skate games and the midnight countdown. Enter to win raffle prizes, too! $20/skater, oakspark.com
Jan 1
First Day Hikes
Choose any of the 28 Oregon State Parks participating in this nationwide initiative to spend New Year’s Day outside. Go on a free guided hike – you don’t even have to pay for parking. Put on your hiking boots and layers, grab a water bottle, and go on, get out! Free, oregonstateparks.wordpress.com
Jan 1
New Year’s Day Ride
Bikes more your thing? No problem. Join other bike families for a 10-mile, socially-paced, all-weather ride across Tillikum Crossing and down to the blossoming Lents neighborhood, where free snacks and warm drinks await. Free, facebook.com/events/720028434793984
Jan 2
Nature in the New Year
Explore the lush banks of the Clackamas River and learn about its restoration, salmon habitat, and other wildlife. $6/person, $11/family, register online at oregonmetro.gov