Did you get a chance to peek at our Easter Egg Hunt roundup? Take a look, then choose from even more ways to have an eggscellent weekend!
Apr 2-5
Umbrella Festival of Circus and Comedy
A weekend of performance events, ranging from acrobats and jugglers to musicians and vaudeville acts! We recommend the 2pm matinee on Apr 4, featuring Girl Circus. Weekend passes and individual show tickets available, $10-100, umbrellafestival.com
Apr 3
Easter Cookie Decorating at Out of this World Pizza
Get creative with spring-colored icing and Easter-themed candies. Yum! Free with $5-7 entrance, outofthisworld.net
Apr 4
Soles2Souls 5K/10K Run & Walk and Kids’ Fun Run
A safe and family-friendly run on Fanno Creek Trail to benefit the Healthy Kids Program at West Hills Christian School. $7.50-12.50, whcs.org/soles-2-souls
Apr 4
Oregon Zoo’s Rabbit Romp
Candy egg hunts (in compostable eggs!) every 10-15 minutes for kids up to 10 years old, petting farm, bunny crafts, and photo ops. Free with zoo admission, $8.50-11.50, oregonzoo.org
Apr 5
Kidical Mass Peep Parade!
Don your bunny ears – over the helmet, of course – for this group bike ride from Overlook Park to Arbor Lodge Park, where an egg hunt awaits. Free, kidicalmasspdx.org