The Short List: Apr 26-28

April is flying by and all of that rain that was forecast for the weekend has decided not to make a stop in Portland after all. We hope your family can get out and enjoy your weekend! Here are a few of our picks:
$5 After 5 @ Portland Children’s Museum

Every Friday, admission to Portland Children’s Museum is just $5 if you arrive after 5pm. Beer, wine and food are for sale in the cafe and there are occasional special events like pop-up exhibitions, performances, art making, and improv comedy.
Kids’ Morning Skate @ Oaks Amusement Park

Kids 10 and younger can start their day off with a fun, healthy family skate! 10:30-12, $7.50/child (one adult admission is free per paid child), skate rental is included.
Not-Its! w/ Red Yarn @ Mission Theater

Join Seattle-based Not-Its! for an evening of kindie rock! With local fave Red Yarn opening, it is sure to be a fun time! 4pm, $12.