Snuggle up for a show this rainy weekend, or pump up your tires and go for a mass bike ride in the elements. There’s no wrong way to do it!
Feb 6
16th Annual Clowns Without Borders Benefit Show
The best local circus and physical theatre performers and other entertainers come together for a variety show that’s sure to thrill. $9-35, clownswithoutborders.org
Feb 7
Healthy & Fun Choices 2nd Annual Family Event
Learn how your family can lead a fun and healthy life over pancakes, games, workshops, and music. $15, healthyfunchoices.com
Feb 7
Book Release Party for Nina Nolan at Green Bean Books!
Local author Nina Nolan reads from her new book Mahalia Jackson: Walking with Kings and Queens in honor of Black History Month. Make a crown to take home! Free, greenbeanbookspdx.com
Feb 7-8
Prismagic Presents: The Winter
A whimsical and visually stunning performance of storytelling through circus arts based on a 5-year-old’s imagination. $20, prismagic.org
Feb 8
Worst Day of the Year Ride
Join Portland’s quirky community of bicyclists for a 15-mile fun ride around town, with food, warm drinks, and tech help along the way. Costumes encouraged! $35-45 (kids’ tickets $11), worstdayride.com