With hints of spring in the air, chances are you just want to get out and play this weekend. Check out a traditional springtime doll festival, shop for gently used clothing, toys, and comics, or celebrate a very important birthday!
Now thru Mar 3
Hina Matsuri, The Doll Festival, at Portland Japanese Garden
A traditional celebration of health and welcoming of spring with the collection of Hina Ningyo dolls. On Sun Mar 1, learn origami and participate in a tea tasting. $6.75-9.50, kids 5 & under free, japanesegarden.com
Feb 27-Mar 1
ThriftMouse Pre-Loved Consignments at Washington County Fairgrounds
A huge consignment event for all things baby to teen, including maternity items, furniture, toys, entertainment, and more. Free admission, thriftmouse.com
Feb 28
Saturday Family Craft Studio at Friendly House
Gather with family, friends, and community to get crafty and make art! Supplies provided. All ages welcome, $6 suggested donation, friendlyhouseinc.org
Feb 28
Frankenstein’s Comic Book Swap
Calling all geeks, nerds, and comics enthusiasts! Buy and sell comic books, graphic novels, cards, and other related stuff. Free admission, frankensteinscomicbookswap.com
Mar 1
Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday at Learning Palace
Games, activities, storytime and, of course, cupcakes! All in honor of the beloved children’s author. Free, facebook.com/learningpalace