
September 2024

September 2024

Welcome, September! This summer, like so many, has flown by far too quickly. The September issue of NW Kids is our annual Birthday Party Guide and this year’s is a pretty great one, if we do say so ourselves. While you’ll recognize many of your favorite go-tos in this year’s guide, there are also a number of new businesses and that is always exciting to see!

With an end of August birthday, many of my childhood celebrations took place on the Washington coast. Coming from a family that fished, this was the place to be and the time to be there. We’ve carried that tradition on and returned to the same spot for many of my children’s birthdays. However and wherever you choose to celebrate, we think you’ll find some inspiration in these pages. As always, the guide will be on for future reference as well!

Lastly, we can’t wait to see you at our first annual Education & Enrichment Expo at OMSI! We’ll be there on the 28th from 10-5. If you’ve attended our Summer Camp Expos in the past, you’ll know right where to find us (in the auditorium that’s directly next to the planetarium). Come and check out local schools and other education and enrichment opportunities for your kids. It will be a a fun day for all!



About Mary Brady

Mary Brady was born and raised in the PNW and has been in Oregon since 2006. She currently lives on the west side of the river with her two children and her golden retriever pup; exploring all that PDX Metro has to offer. Mary is the Editor for NW Kids.

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