Article and Photographs by Kelley Gardiner
Seahorse parenting goes a little bit differently than in the rest of the animal kingdom. Usually, as well know, it’s the mother who toughs out the carrying and birthing the little ones. But seahorses? They do their own thing. The male seahorse carries the babies until they’re ready to be born. How progressive!
Plenty of (human) dads do their own heavy lifting when it comes to parenting these days, but they sometimes feel like the odd one out. At music class, the play gym, or story time, there are usually only a couple of dads, if that. Don Hudson knew what that felt like after four and a half years of being a stay-at-home dad.
Thus was born Seahorses, “a place for modern kids and their dads.” This shop on Hawthorne just opened their doors in June, welcoming all kinds of shoppers to a more masculine boutique experience. Customers are starting to get to know the new store, but there have been some confused faces as they walk in. A kids’ store for men?
You heard right. Seahorses is a store for kids and dads. The decor is streamlined. Instead of nursing bras, you’ll find Doona car seats. Ask for a demonstration of this amazing piece of technology, but only if you’re willing to walk out the door with one. You’re going to want it. The infant seat has a locking base, just like many other car seats, but it also unfolds into a stroller on wheels. That’s right: instead of lugging your bucket seat into the house, you can roll it.
That’s the kind of product that they like to carry there at Seahorses items that are “practical, durable, innovative and fun,” says Don, the owner, who you’re likely to see in the store when you drop by. You’ll also see pajamas, clothes, puzzles, whistles, toys, tear- proof books, hats, sunglasses, and portable potty systems.
Okay, there may be a few frilly items for sale here, but they’re all for the babies and kids in your life. Adjustable handmade dresses made in Sellwood will grow from 6 months to a shirt for a five year old. A cute baby shower gift might be a Dad and Me t-shirt and onesie combination, like the acorn and tree, or the big dinosaur and baby dinosaur. When you buy Carhartt onesies, even your cute stuff is durable and dad-approved.
Dads come in to shop for themselves or their kids, and moms come in to find something special for the dads in their lives. Seahorses doesn’t just carry Melissa and Doug; they also carry Leatherman. When moms need a little extra pampering, they might get a pedicure. Shouldn’t Dad get a little “me time” to take care of himself, too? Seahorses carries luxury shaving items, so men can enjoy a little luxury as well.
Wooden growth charts in light or dark wood are made especially for the store. They may cost you $150, but these are heritage quality, built to be passed down for generations. This is the only place in Portland where you can find Thule bike trailers right now – the employees have trouble keeping the one in the window arranged just so, because they’re always taking it down for demonstrations.
A wide array of gifts and dad-approved baby stuff isn’t the only reason to make a stop at Seahorses, though. There’s also the fully- enclosed play space where you can plunk down your kiddos. Appropriate for crawlers up to preschoolers, there’s no way for the little ones to escape until you’re done shopping! Or, if you like, grab a cup of coffee or tea and make use of the in store Wi-Fi while your little ones build towers.
Dads also gather here for classes, workshops, and meetups. Recently, Seahorses welcomed a baby wearing workshop. Dads came in and tried on different harnesses and carriers, because what the mom likes isn’t necessarily what works for dad, and what works for your buddy might not work for you.
Upcoming events? Daddy and Me workouts, using baby or toddler for weight. Painting workshops with toddler furniture that dad and kiddos can paint together, then take home to proudly use. Keep a close eye on their Facebook page for event announcements.
Dads and kids will feel welcome hanging out and shopping at Seahorses, but moms, aunts, brothers and grandparents will enjoy perusing the goods, too. Drop by and say hello the next time you’re shopping on Hawthorne, and don’t forget to ask for a demonstration. You just might find worthy of the kids and dads in your life.
4029 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Portland, Oregon
(971) 352-6130
Kelley Gardiner is a Portland native, a freelance writer and blogger, and the mother of one sweet toddler. To see what she’s up to, visit kelleygardiner.com