by Maya Barbon
As I walked into the Portland Center for Performing Arts to see Oregon Children’s Theatre’s “Skippyjon Jones”, I was greeted by a lobby full of young children running around with paper ears on. They had discovered tables set up on the 2nd floor of the lobby for the theatre-going kids to make and decorate their own cat/chihuahua ears. And flipping through the program, I noticed more fun activities for kids like learning Spanish words. It’s always a treat to see the fun ways OCT finds to engage the children attending their shows.
As we took our seats, there was an excitement in the air that always comes with opening day. Soon the lights went down and the house filled with excited squeals and whispers as the show began. The iconic children’s series came to life before our eyes.
We first meet the title character, Skippyjon Jones, a curious cat with big ears and an even bigger imagination. His mother, while very loving and supportive, wishes he would act like a proper cat. We watch Skippyjon’s three sisters, and giggle along with them as we see their favorite TV show: “Quiz Kitties”. We travel along with Skippyjon and his wild imagination to Mexico, where he becomes El Skippito, the brave chihuahua. He meets new friends, and even has to face off with the evil Alfredo Buzzito.
This fiesta of a show is filled with imagination and bright colors. The lovable Skippyjon Jones is played by Martin Tebo, who does a phenomenal job of bringing the iconic cat to life. Stephanie Roessler, Hailey Tollner, and Haley Ward play Skippyjon’s three sisters, and have so much happy energy you can’t help but smile when they come onstage. Danielle Valentine shines as Skippyjon’s mom, with a beautiful voice that fills the theatre. It’s great fun to watch Gilberto Martin Del Campo, James Sharinghousen, and Gilbert Feliciano in a number of different roles, each with different silly voices and personalities. This extremely talented, high energy cast makes this fun show a joy for kids and adults alike.
In addition, colorful sets transport us right to Skippyjon’s world, while the goofy costumes (fluffy cats, multi-colored chihuahuas and a giant bee on stilts!) could have been pulled right from the pages of the children’s book. The bits of Spanish that are spoken and sung throughout the show are a great way to introduce children to another language and the beautiful, silly songs bring the whole show together.
This show is wonderful for children of all ages. It’s only an hour long with no intermission, so it’s a terrific choice for younger kids, especially ones who may not have been to a live theater performance before. This fabulous musical is a great place to start. Skippyjon Jones is bright, energetic show that will have everyone in the audience smiling and using their imagination. So what are you waiting for? ¡Vámanos!