OCT’s Young Professionals Company Presents “Good Kids”

Oregon Children’s Theatre’s Young Professionals Company presents Good Kids
Directed by: Tamara Carroll Written By: Naomi Iizuka
Dates: April 12—28, 2019 Times: Fridays-Saturdays at 7:00pm, Sundays at 2:00pm (Thursday 4/25 at 7:00pm)
Location: Young Professionals Studio Theater, 1939 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland
Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 at the door. $10 for groups of 10+ with code YPGROUP1819Box Office: www.octc.org/good-kidsOn the web: www.octc.org
Other info: Recommended for ages 14 and up (graphic subject matter, incl. sexual assault
Something happened to Chloe after that party last Saturday night. Something she says she can’t remember. Something everybody is talking about.
Good Kids is the final performance for the 2018-2019 Young Professionals Company season at Oregon Children’s Theatre. The Young Professionals produce three shows at OCT’s YP Studio, as well as other public performances throughout the season.
Commissioned in 2014 as part of the Big Ten Theatre Consortium’s New Play Initiative, Good Kids asks tough questions about sexual assault and rape culture. Set at a Midwestern high school, in a world of Facebook and Twitter, smartphones and YouTube, it explores culpability, accountability, and assumptions in the public aftermath of a sexual assault. The script is typically performed at the collegiate level, but was chosen by the Young Professionals Company specifically for the challenge it presented. “They felt they were up for the acting challenge and strongly believed the subject matter was important to explore and address from a teen voice,” said Dani Baldwin, Artistic Director of the Young Professionals Company. “Approaching the subject of gang date rape and the effects of social media is relevant in their world – unfortunately.”
To build an emotionally and physically safe, supportive environment, intimacy coach Alwynn Accuardi was brought in to help choreograph the challenging scenes and build trust between the cast members. Accuardi will build specific physicality and empower the cast with language to keep rehearsals safe.
Director Tamara Carroll applauds the Young Professionals Company for taking on the mature content. “They have chosen this show to better understand their role in challenging and dismantling rape culture, to be better allies to survivors, and to use their considerable skills and energy to educate and invite others to take up this mantle.” The production is timely, as the topic of rape culture has come to the forefront in many communities: Carroll also serves as Program Director for the Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre Program, and has seen these tough topics arise in their work in local schools. Carroll continues, “We may finally be at a critical moment, a tipping point, where a new generation of youth commit themselves to understanding and dismantling rape culture and replacing it with a culture of consent.”
The cast features Armita Azizi as Amber, Django Boletus as Tanner, Josh Bransford as Landon, Kate Daley as Brianna, Morgan Demetre as Skyler, Allyson Giard as Chloe, Makenna Markman as Madison, Allison Park as Dierdre, Emmett Ruthermich as Ty, Kaiya Shivers as Kylie, Jasper Warhus as Conner, and Zyla Zody as Daphne.
The creative team includes: Tamara Carroll (Director), Jennifer Lin (Lighting Designer) Richard Moore (Sound Designer), YP Alumni Sydney Dufka (Costume Designer), Terra Dawson (YP Production Coordinator), Alwynn Accuardi (Intimacy Coach), London Mahaley (YP Directing Apprentice), Claire Churchill (YP Stage Manager), Emma Fulmer (YP Assistant Stage Manager), Elliot Odette (YP Props), Kieran Gettel-Gilmartin (YP House Manager), and Willa Poland-McClain (YP Costume Apprentice).
About the Young Professionals Company
The Young Professionals Company is comprised of dedicated theater students ages 14-18 who have been selected to participate in a year-long mentoring program where they receive advanced training through exposure to a wide range of college-level workshops and professional development. Each season, the company presents three shows and other public events. The Young Professionals Company is dedicated to building a supportive community of theater peers, providing them with resources, information, and professional on-the-job experience.
About Oregon Children’s Theatre
Founded in 1988, Oregon Children’s Theatre has served well over two million children, teachers, and families. Its mission is to create exceptional theater experiences that transform lives. OCT is Oregon’s largest non-profit professional children’s theater company and a resident company of Portland’5 Centers for the Arts. Performances are held weekdays for school audiences and on weekends for family audiences. OCT serves more than 120,000 children of all ages each year. OCT offers numerous school services including study guides, teacher professional development opportunities, in-school workshops, and an extensive outreach program. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente, the Educational Theatre Program provides free touring productions that promote healthy living. OCT’s year-round Acting Academy offers theater classes for children ages 3-18 and Young Professionals Company.
Funding for Oregon Children’s Theatre’s 2018-2019 season is provided in part by the Shubert Foundation and the Regional Arts & Culture Council. Oregon Children’s Theatre receives support from the Oregon Arts Commission, a state agency funded by the State of Oregon and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Good Kids is presented by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com)