NWCT and The Starlings Present: Amelia Earhart’s First Flight!

Well, NWCT has done it again! The Starlings, NWCT’s all-bird, all-puppet acting troupe, return for this imaginative exploration of the airplane. Follow Amelia Earhart on an interactive, puppet-fueled extravaganza as she soars through the history of women in flight from the early airplane to the space program. My kids (11 & 6) and I saw a matinee performance of Amelia Earhart’s First Flight and all three of us were absolutely delighted. NWCT does such an amazing job of engaging the audience, from the moment you walk into the lobby until the moment you walk out the doors. My 11-year-old was even motivated to write a short review after the show:
“This year’s Starlings play at the NW Children’s Theater was about famous pilot, Amelia Earhart. This play features The Starlings, the awesome bird puppet actors. I enjoyed that this play was interactive as well as entertaining. The plotline was very apparent, and I also admire the fact that not only did it describe the story of the iconic Amelia Earhart, but those of other female role models.
I liked the part of the play, near the conclusion, when there was a brief ‘trip to outer space’, and there was a short tutorial about how to draw a spaceship. Another fun part of the play was the “Family Flew”, a game show.
Overall, the play was a very fun play, and I enjoyed that it was somewhat interactive and very enjoyable.”
She also asked her little brother for a couple quotes!
-“It was really really really really really good!”
-“I liked drawing a rocket ship!”
Amelia Earhart’s First Flight runs through October 15th at NWCT, and the following special access shows are scheduled:
Audio Described Show