November 2024

Welcome, November! Or, as parents of school age children call it, No School November. Between Thanksgiving, Veterans Day and teacher-in-service days, after school programs and camps are even more appreciated than usual. This month’s issue features a short roundup of options. (Be sure to check for even more!) November is also the beginning of holiday events and performances. This year brings the return of many of our beloved favorites and also some new ones. Come back next month for more holiday content, festive light displays and Hanukkah events. It’s going to be a great season!
In other news: As of this writing, the election is just two weeks away. Regardless of who may be getting your votes, locally and nationally, a collective anxiety is in the air. Bringing my 18 year old to the county elections office to register last month was a very special day, and to see her first ballot arrive in yesterday’s mail was even more exciting. We are raising generations with a lot on their plates and are all doing our best to navigate. Lean on your village, fellow parents and caregivers. We have a pretty great one around here!
We will see you around town soon and, in the meantime, may your families have a safe and peaceful autumn!