Kid-Friendly Vegetable Gardening

by Caroline Lewis of Verdura Culinary Gardens

There are many reasons to involve your kids in vegetable gardening. They learn where their food comes from, they develop healthier eating habits, and they spend more time outside. But to me, the best reason is a somewhat selfish one: seeing the look on their faces the first time they pull a carrot out of the ground or taste a sugar snap pea right off the vine.

We have worked with quite a few families over the years, learning from experience that children are much more likely to eat vegetables they’ve grown themselves than anything from the store. Kids are smart – homegrown veggies taste better. And, when they’ve nurtured the plants themselves, they’re curious to taste them.

Based on feedback we’ve received from our smallest clients, the best gardens contain the following: carrots, peas, strawberries, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and green beans. You’ll notice that many of these can be eaten right in the garden, which in my view is entirely the point. My own kids loved shelling peas so much that I don’t believe a single pod ever made it into the kitchen.

Beyond what tastes good, other factors to consider in planning your garden include seed size, ease of care, nutrition and productivity.

We’ve had children as young as two help us plant peas and beans, which have large and easy-to-plant seeds. And when we plant carrots, we use pelleted seeds coated with an organic clay, making them much easier to handle and see.

Radishes are a great choice because they mature in 30 days, giving everyone a quick reward for their efforts. Carrots, peas and beans require little in the way of care once they’re growing, and have few pests. Even bug-prone crops like broccoli provide important lessons in organic pest control, which some kids frankly rather enjoy.

If you need help getting a garden started, we install easy-to-care-for raised beds for families. We also provide year-round planting plans, onsite garden coaching and help with garden maintenance. Happy gardening to you!


Caroline’s forays into gardening started when, as a determined 11-year-old, she attempted growing snow peas on the back deck of her parents’ Bay Area home. She went on to raise her own family on homegrown organic vegetables, teaching her sons to cook and garden along the way. For more information and insightful tips on how to grow, design and maintain your garden in the home or workplace, please visit