Journey Theater: It’s about transformation

If there is one thing to be said about Journey Theater Arts Group, it is that they bring excitement and smiles to families of the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area.
Journey encourages and inspires youth to embrace their talents and procure the skills to take an active role in showcasing professional-level youth and community theater.
With 100 professional-quality school-year musicals every year, involving over 600 kids exclusively ages 8-18, it’s easy to see why one would relish their programs.
The cast, crew and production committees are 100% volunteer, and Journey is keen on community. Parents and friends can create costumes, sets, props and more, while youth are mentored to become future technicians and artistic directors.
Their class sessions are offered in September, January and late March or early April, and details are usually posted four to five weeks in advance. Journey also hosts a number of camps during the summer. This year will feature Aladdin Kids and Hats Off To Broadway.
We are also utterly excited to announce that the award-winning musical Honk! will wing its way to the Portland area May 13-14 and May 20-22. A touching musical rendition of the “ugly duckling” tale with a bouncing score and universal story, the show has no trouble captivating an audience.
Pre-performance ticket prices: Adult $14; Youth, Senior and Groups of 10 or more $10; Family Day (Saturday, May 14 at 7pm only) $10. Buy tickets here!
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang will be another show hitting the stage this summer, and they will be holding auditions for all-ages! The cast roles can be found on their character description page and more information on auditions and volunteer opportunities can be found on their website,