January 2025

Happy New Year! Whether it’s the product of cultural conditioning or just good, old fashioned optimism, the new year always ushers in the anticipation of fresh possibilities and opportunities that are just waiting to be revealed. Tacking up a fresh calendar is like cracking the spine of a book about which you haven’t heard even one spoiler.
The holidays are a time of reflection. For some families, this can bring about the realization that the school choices we’ve made may no longer be the right fit. This is one of the reasons that many schools hold open houses during the month of January. Take a look at this month’s guide and see if there are any events that may be worth adding to your 2025 calendar. While you’re at it, don’t forget to add this year’s Summer Camp Expo (4/5 at OMSI)! I hope that your family’s 2025 has started off on a positive note and that there is only more joy to come as the year begins to unfold.
Cheers, Mary