January 2020

Happy New Year! I hope that your holidays were filled with love, comfort, and all of the traditions that make the season meaningful to you and yours. I am quite sure that many of our paths crossed at the various magical holiday events that Portland dished up for us throughout the season. Here at NW Kids, we are thinking about schools, schools and more schools! The January issue is the first of our Open House Guides for the 2020-2021 school year. Take a look at our guide (organized by area) and I bet you’ll learn about a few schools that you didn’t even know about. From Waldorf to faith-based and charter schools to boarding schools, we’ve got it all here in Portland Metro. Whether you’re still in the fact-finding stages with a new baby or you’re thinking of a change for a child who is already in school, check out a couple of open houses and find the perfect fit for your unique family. As we head into a new year (and decade!), it’s only natural to ponder our challenges, losses, lessons, triumphs and blessings of the year past. As always, we are grateful to have you as a part of the NW Kids family and we can’t wait to spend another year with you, searching for all of the best ways for your family to get the most out of this beautiful city.