Museums Keywords: Miles of Advanced Search Directory View All Listings Add Listing Displaying listings from all locations. Use the fields below to filter listings for a particular country, city, or state. Start by selecting the top most region, the other fields will be automatically updated to show available locations. Use the Clear Filter button if you want to start over. CountrySelect a RegionUSALoading... State*No Regions availableLoading... CityNo Regions availableLoading... RegionNo Regions availableLoading... #0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZSort By:Default Business Name Zip Code Ages/Grades Served Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Business Name Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Business Address 500 NE Captain Michael King Smith Way McMinnville, OR 97128 Experiment PDX Business Name Experiment PDX Business Address 1421 SE Stark StPortland Oregon Historical Society Business Name Oregon Historical Society Business Address Portland A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village Business Name A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village Oregon Rail Heritage Center Business Name Oregon Rail Heritage Center Business Address Portland Next →