Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd, but celebrations start this weekend! Show how much you love our planet by volunteering, recycling, planting, cleaning, and partying.
Apr 18
SOLVE IT Volunteer Events
Over 100 volunteer events to choose from across the state. Clean and spruce up public and natural spaces, aid in watershed enhancement, plant native trees and shrubs – there’s something for everyone. solv.org
Apr 18
Operation Clean Sweep: 2015 Alberta Street Earth Day Cleanup
Help keep Alberta Street vibrant and clean! Start the morning with refreshments from Alberta Main Street, and celebrate your day of service with food and prizes from local Alberta businesses. Bring a water bottle, gloves, and tools for cleanup. albertamainst.org
Apr 18
16th Annual StreamTeam Earth Day Celebration
Volunteer on the Recycling Team or as a photographer, plant native trees, and enjoy the EcoFair with live entertainment and kids’ activities, featuring the Bug Chicks, Mr. Lizard Mobile Zoo, and Portland Audubon’s Live Birds of Prey! streamteam.net
Apr 18
Trashpalooza! Earth Day Celebration
Spend the morning cleaning up your designated area of Sherwood, then gather back for festivities, contests for unique found trash, raffles, and more. sherwoodoregon.gov/communityservice/page/trashpalooza-earth-day-celebration
Apr 18
Oregon Garden’s Earth Day Fair 2015: Green Footprints
Visit and chat with exhibitors from environmental and nature-based organizations, learn about composting and birds of prey, make your own reusable bags, sample local mushrooms, take in live music. Free admission, parking $5 (free shuttle service also available), suggested $5 donation. oregongarden.org
Apr 18
Corvallis Environmental Center – Procession of the Species and Earth Ball 2015
Wear homemade masks and costumes to represent one of the many species that roam the planet (there’s a free mask-making workshop if you need inspiration!), then parade away with live music and dancing in the streets. Then make your way to Sky High Brewing for a rooftop party with live music, photo booths, cornhole, food, and fun. Parade is free, tickets to Earth Ball $14 (kids 12 and under free), corvallisenvironmentalcenter.org
Apr 22
Earth Day Craft at Green Bean Books
Make a Truffula Tree (of The Lorax fame) for Earth Day! Free, greenbeanbookspdx.com
Apr 22
Portland State University Earth Day Festival 2015
PSU’s Environmental Club presents a community festival with free food, a clothing exchange, local crafters and musicians, student group presentations, and sustainability activities. After the festival, view a free screening of the film “Growing Cities,” about urban farming. pdx.edu/sustainability
Apr 22
Portland Children’s Museum Earth Day Celebration
Recycled material crafts like Recycle Bin Monsters and Pinwheels, papermaking, a tree-planting ceremony, and other activities to keep your little ones busy, creative, and learning. Free for members, $9-10 for non-members, portlandcm.org
Apr 25
We are the Future – Earth Day: A Celebration of Localization!
You’ll need all day for this! 90+ sustainable businesses and organizations, Health and Wellness Village, entertainment by Circus Cascadia and others, a parade, and recycling of all materials. earthdaypdx.com
Apr 25
Bend, OR – The Environmental Center 2015 Earth Day Fair & Parade
Combine a weekend out of town with some green celebration! Kick it off with a Procession of the Species Parade, then gather at the fair for live music, local art, workshops, and activities and games for the kiddos. envirocenter.org