Creative Kids: JP Wooden Design

We recently heard about a pair of friends in Portland who started an Etsy shop, selling the wooden cutting boards and trivets that they make together after school. Allow us to introduce you to Pascual (12) and Jayden (11) and their wonderful shop, JP Wooden Design. Do you know of any other talented kids who have started their own business during Covid? Tell us about them!
NW Kids: Hi Pascual and Jayden! I’m so excited to talk to you and learn more about JP Wooden Design! First of all, how long have the two of you been friends and how did you meet?
JP Wooden Design: We met in 3rd grade when we both joined the same basketball team.
NWK: What gave you the idea to start making cutting boards and other woodcrafts? Were you already doing woodworking before you turned it into a business?
JPWD: We have been making woodcrafts before we started the business.
NWK: Cool! Did you save up money to get started with the tools and materials you needed? Were there some tools and materials that your families already had at home?
JPWD: We started with the tools that were free and available, then once we started to make more money we bought a few fancy tools.
NWK: The JP Wooden Design tiger wood cutting board that I have is so beautiful and substantial! Did you do research to find the best type of wood to use?
JPWD: Everyday when Jayden’s dad came home he would bring back some scraps of tiger wood so we would just use whatever was available.
NWK: Well it sure makes for a beautiful finished product! When you’re creating new pieces do you each have a separate part in the process or do you work together? Which parts do you each like the best?
JPWD: When we make a new board I [Pascual] draw out the board on a piece of wood and then Jayden uses a jigsaw to cut it out. Then we both sand down the board.
NWK: Teamwork! My kids are 9 and 14 and with the pandemic and being home most of the time, they definitely get bored. Has starting JP Wooden Design helped to keep some of the Covid boredom at bay for you two?
JPWD: Starting JP Wooden Design has definitely helped us get rid of the boredom and we see other kids starting businesses on Etsy too, so it feels good to inspire others.
NWK: I love that kids are seeing what you’ve done and are inspired. Is there anything else you want to share about JP Wooden Design?
JPWD: We want to inspire other kids to start businesses. And put the money to good causes.
NWK: You’re not just an inspiration to other kids; you’re also an inspiration to adults. Thank you so much for talking to us about JP Wooden Design!
Check out Jayden and Pascual’s Etsy shop here and give them a follow on Instagram! @jpwoodendesign