In its 3rd year, the Color Me Cover Contest promotes an interest in the arts and showcases the talent of young, local artists. All Portland area kids are encouraged to celebrate art and the things they like most about springtime in Portland. This could be anything from puddle jumping or planting seeds to bike riding, hiking or heading to your favorite playground. Last year’s theme was Valentines Day!
Kids in grades preK-6 are eligible to win. We’ll pick three winners from age groups in grades preK-1, grades 2-4 and grades 5-6. The grand prizewinner’s illustration will be featured on the cover and runners up will be posted on our social media sites and on nwkidsmagazine.com. Plus, don’t miss out on other amazing prizes including one free week of camp at the Oregon College of Art and Craft, free art studio time and gift certificates from our partners (see below).
The deadline for entries is February 15th. Contestants can submit their illustrations and entry forms by mail, email them to contest@nwkidsmagazine.com, or can scan and upload them to our Facebook page.
Print entry forms or pick up forms from Child’s Play, Spark Art Center and The Craft Factory. We can’t wait to see what your kids love about spring in Portland!
For mail in entries:
NW Kids Magazine
P. O. Box 91563
Portland OR, 97291