6 Ways to Get More Trains in Your Life

Something about trains makes everyone feel like a kid again. From the clickity-clack of the tracks to a big red caboose, trains are magical! Luckily there are plenty of ways to get more train in your life this month. Check out what’s chugging through Portland in November!
Oregon Pacific Railroad
9001 SE McBrod Ave, Portland
Saturdays 12:30-5pm through Nov
Admission: Children under 2 free, all others $5. $10 to ride in the locomotive with the driver, first come first served.
The Oregon Pacific Railroad is a family owned and operated freight railroad company. The train departs Oregon Rail Heritage Center at 2250 SE Water Ave, Portland on the half hour starting at 12:30pm with the last departure at 4:30pm. At the other end, the train departs Oaks Amusement Part (Oaks Station) at 7805 SE Oaks Park Way, Portland on the hour from 1pm to 5pm. Round trips last approximately 45 min.
Columbia Gorge 2016 Model Railroad Show
2505 N Vancouver Ave, Portland
503-28-TRAIN (503-288-7246)
Nov 5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27, 10am-5pm
Admission: $7 for adults, $3 for kids ages 3 to 11.

Come see more than 30 model railroad operators and a train layout of over 4,200 square feet – the size of a basketball court! Thomas and other famous kids’ trains will be featured, along with a quilt raffle and a Lego train display. VIP Tours showing behind-the-scenes train action are offered each Saturday and Sunday during show weekends starting at 8:45am, $15 per person, by reservation only.
The Great Train Show
Western Washington Fairgrounds
110 9th Ave, Puyallup, WA
Nov 12-13, 10am-4pm
Admission: $7.95, kids 11 and under free

This is “the” big model railroad hobby show, with model train layouts in operation, scale models of trains, cars and buildings, new products and collectible trains and toys from years past. Free workshops and seminars on building model railroads and riding trains within the show for kids, as well as interactive exhibits where kids can operate part of a layout or race model trains or cars, make this a great experience.
Chelachie Prairie Railroad
207 N Railroad Ave, Yacolt, WA
Patriot’s Weekend Special – Nov 12-13, 12pm & 2:30pm
Admission: $9-16, kids 2 and under free
The trains will depart from the station in Yacolt, WA. Please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. The run will be a diesel excursion, through a 330 foot solid rock tunnel, to the Heisson area with a stop at Moulton Station to visit Yacolt Falls.
Holiday Express Christmas Train
The Oaks Station
7806 SE Oaks Park Way, Portland
Sats & Suns Nov 25-Dec 18, 10am-7pm
Admission: $7-19
Santa will join you on board the Holiday Express train for a 40-45 minute round trip along the Willamette River. For the rides at dusk, the train will be lit with colored lights, and the interior of the train is decorated with garland, ornaments and lights.
Boring Station Trailhead Park

28008 Keller Road, Boring
Open for day use daily
Admission: Free
Come play outside at the Boring Station Trailhead Park. Once a shipping location during streetcar operation, the new playground, completed in spring 2016, celebrates its transportation past. The large play structure features a train-themed climber with a steering wheel and a double slide off the back, an authentic railroad crossing sign and a sign similar to the original Boring Trailhead Station.
Hungry for more trains? Keep the fun going with these restaurants:
Sushi Ichiban

24 NW Broadway, Portland
Have your lunch served by miniature train at Sushi Ichiban. Sushi specials, including kid-friendly veggie rolls and desserts, go around the track in the center of the room and each guest can help himself.
Pizza Caboose
11670 SW Pacific Hwy, Tigard
Eat your pizza in a train-themed family restaurant, with signal lights and a tiny train that circles the dining room at ceiling level. Parents can get a drink at the “Loose Caboose” drink counter and there’s even a fire pit to simulate the coal-burning furnace of a locomotive.