6 Simple Steps for Resale Shopping & Selling for Back to School.

Back to school is just around the corner! Last year was one big home schooling pajama party and this year kids and parents are looking forward to returning to a school routine. With the Back-to-school shopping venture of buying a lot of items at once for growing kids, finding helpful ways to save is key. One fantastic option is shopping your local resale stores.
Portland has a variety of resale shops, including ones that specialize in children’s clothes and shoes. These shops hand-select their inventory by considering top-quality items, the season’s needs and customer favorites. You’ll find name-brand clothing at affordable prices so you can make your back-to-school budget go much further. Parents can really maximize their savings by going through their kiddos’ closets and consigning the gently outgrown items.
Here are 6 tips for consigning your kids’ outgrown clothing and finding those essential back-to-school items at your local children’s resale shops.
1. Clean out the closet.
As you go through your kiddos’ closets and drawers to see what they will need this school year, put all outgrown clothing, shoes, coats, backpacks, lunchboxes, books and toys into a bin. Make sure all clothing is freshly washed and shoes are cleaned before taking them to a resale shop.
2. Create a list.
Write down the types of clothing, shoes and essentials your kiddo need, how many of each to get and the sizes you’re looking for. Trace each child’s foot on a piece of cardboard and take this with you for easy shoe checks at the store.
3. Make a plan.
Check your local children’s resale shops’ websites to find the hours and days they take inventory as many shops have appointment only drop offs or limited drop off days. You might find your shopping one day and taking things to resell another.
4. Look for items that do double-duty.
If possible, look for shirts, pants, dresses, shoes, etc. that can work for at least two seasons (fall/winter or spring/summer). Here in the Pacific Northwest, items like rain boots and raincoats are necessary most of the year, so be sure to pick up another set if your kids have outgrown last year’s rain gear.
5. Spend some time.
Resale shops have a wide variety of items. You may need to spend some time regularly cruising for the items your family is in need of. Thanks to Covid, many local resell shops now have online stores and shoppers can easily browse and buy this way right from home. Knowing the sizes and items your family needs gives an online shopping advantage to see the new arrivals right away and snatch them up.
6. Take more than one trip and check the online stores regularly.
While getting your seasonally needed items in one trip might be convenient, it’s not always practical. Children outgrow their clothing and shoes very quickly – sometimes before the price tags are even removed. Also, resale shops tend to carry seasonal items, and receive new inventory frequently, so shopping their online stores is a great way to see and purchase the newest arrivals.
Back-to-school is one of the busiest times of the year for a children’s resale shop. Shops are bustling with parents bringing things in as well as shoppers looking to score those must-haves. When you visit your neighborhood resale shops, not only will you be saving money, you’ll be supporting local businesses. Most small businesses are still working hard to come back from a very tough year so every little bit helps. Resale also supports your community, local families and the planet!

Quick tips for consigning or selling used items:
1. All items need to be freshly washed.
2. All items need to be free of excessive wear, stains and damage.
3. Most shops take 1 tub or 2 bags at a time.
4. If you have large gear to consign, call first to make sure it’s something the shop can take or has room for.
5. Check your local resale stores reselling policies and hours.
Carmen is the owner and founder of Beanstalk. She brings years of sustainable thinking and environmental awareness to the local clothing, toy and gear resale business. With her medical background, she truly cares about the well-being of families and their exposure to quality clothing, toys and gear. For more information, visit beanstalkpdx.com.