Did it snow in Portland? Well, kind of. Not the snowpocalypse we were expecting, but it has been unusually COLD out there and we’re not going outside. And since it is November (which as any Portland parent knows, means it’s NoSchoolVember) with quasi-snowing, our kids are home expecting some fun activities. So, we’ve been baking, watching 80’s movies and planning camps for winter Break. I’ve also been perusing knitting patterns for baby gifts and kiddos. I’m more of a compulsive yarn collector than knitter, but these patterns have struck a chord in my crafting imagination:
Handknit Baby Booties:
Are they chili pepper shoes or are they elf shoes, and does it matter? Get the adorably ambiguous pattern here
HedgeHog Mittens
Is it just me or was 2014 the year everybody decided to get a hedgehog as a pet? Is the new “put a bird on it” now “put a hedgehog on it”? Either way, a certain number of new nieces and nephews are getting these from me under the tree this year. Hedgehog mitten pattern here
Baby Carrier Sweater Thing With a Hood
I’m all done with baby carriers, personally, but my friends are all taking the baby plunge this year, it seems. I plan to show everybody up at that baby shower in February with this bit of genius.
Katniss Cowl
Finally something practical. My daughter, like every other Trackers attending Portland tween, is obsessed with the Hunger Games this year. Does she NEED a hand-knit Katniss cowl to go over her leather jacket? No. She will however, love me just a little bit more, and hey, she happens to be my same t-shirt size now, so there is room for sharing (read: I will inherit this cowl the minute she turns her back). Knit a “present for your daughter” with this pattern.