Winter Break: Extended Cut is over! Did you bask in your three short days back to (kinda) peace and quiet? Hope so, because weekend is upon us again. Shake off that cabin fever and get out there!
All Jan
Inventor’s Month
All month, Portland Children’s Museum is featuring the creative, the daring and the innovative who make really cool things! Every day, kiddos search for famous inventors in the Scavenger Hunt and write or draw their own inventive ideas, with special programming throughout the month. Check it out for free TONIGHT at Free First Friday! Otherwise, $9.75-10.75, free for members, portlandcm.org
Jan 8
Stab Your Friend Night
Go ahead, tell the kids that’s what they’ll be doing this Friday night! Then reveal that it’s the graceful sport of fencing. Free for all ages – just bring sweats, sneaks, a water bottle, and a towel. nwfencing.org
Jan 8
The Elixir of Love
Introduce the little ones – and yourself as well! – to opera with this kid-oriented production by Portland Opera To Go!, telling the story of lovestruck Nemorino and the magical “love potion” he hopes will win Adina’s heart. $5, portlandopera.org
Jan 9
Super Hero Machine Puppet Show
A lively musical puppet tale about a donkey named Super Donkey who builds a super hero machine for his friends – but his plans are foiled by the evil Vinnie the Villain! Come sing along and discover the surprise ending. Free, pennypuppets.com
Jan 9
Lantern Tour: An Evening at the Fort
See the historic fort by candle lantern! Young history buffs will love the historical vignettes by costumed living history interpreters in buildings such as the Fur Store, Chief Factor’s House and Bake House. Hot cider provided at the end of the tour. $10-15, registration required (360-816-6244), nps.gov/fova