There’s something for everyone, in every part of town! Treat Mom to flowers, a boat ride, a delicious brunch – or all of the above!
May 9
For Mom Craft Day at Concordia University George R. White Library
A special Mother’s Day storytime and a make-your-own picture frame craft. Refreshments provided. Free, cu-portland.edu/academics/library/library-events
May 9
Mother’s Day Cardmaking Craft at Milwaukie Ledding Library
Moms love handmade cards! Come make one for every mother you know. Free, milwaukieoregon.gov/library
May 9
Cama Beach Mother’s Day Saturday Sail
Free rides in all kinds of boats, in honor of mothers! While you wait for your ride, build a toy boat or make a Mother’s Day card. Free, cwb.org
May 9-10
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden Mother’s Day Show & Sale
Enter your own rhododendrons, or come admire the competitors in the flower show. Shop for a special plant just for Mom at the plant sale! Free admission, crystalspringsgarden.org
May 10
Mother’s Day at Lan Su Garden
Take in the beautiful blossoms and plants in this serene setting, with Mother’s Day card-making and Chinese calligraphy art demonstrations. $7-9.50, kids 5 & under free, lansugarden.org
May 10
Run Mama Run!
In its 7th year, Adoption Mosaic hosts this fun fitness event in honor of mothers and benefiting adoption resources in the community. Complimentary breakfast, crafts for kids, and raffle prizes! $49 to run, free to attend, runmamarunpdx.org
May 10
Run Like A Mother
An event that celebrates women and mothers! Women’s and kids’ runs, and a post-race party with live entertainment. $25-45/person, runlikeamother.com
May 10
Mother’s Day Brunch at the Oregon Garden Resort
A feast in honor of your special lady! Featuring omelettes made to order, a carving station, fresh fruits and salads, and yummy desserts. Call for reservations: 503-874-2500. $13-25/person, oregongardenresort.com
May 10
Mother’s Day Brunch at the Oregon Zoo
Treat Mom to a delicious brunch with made-to-order omelettes and waffles and other brunch goodies, then see all the mama and baby animals at the zoo. $14-35/person, oregonzoo.org
May 10
Portland Spirit Mother’s Day Brunch or Dinner Cruises
The luxury of a cruise on the high seas without leaving town, taking in the sights of the Willamette or Columbia Rivers while enjoying a gourmet meal. $29-68/person, portlandspirit.com
May 10
Mother’s Day Brunch at Timberline Lodge
An extensive menu (seriously), complimentary mimosas, and activities for the kiddos. Reservations required; please call 503-272-3251. $62.50/person, $20 for kids 12 & under, timberlinelodge.com
May 10
Mother’s Day Brunch at McMenamins
Choose one of five McMenamins locations for Mama’s special meal, with an array of breakfast favorites. Call for reservations. $16-28/person, kids 4 & under free, mcmenamins.com